Rolling Rails Lodge, State College PA, Rolling Rails Lodge Wedding, State College PA Wedding Photographers, Wedding Photographers near me, State College Wedding Photographer, Rolling Rails Lodge Port Matilda, Pennsylvania Elopement Photographer, Pennsylvania Elopement, Elopement Photographer near me

Rolling Rails Lodge Wedding: Elizabeth and Justin { State College Elopement Photographer }

November 19, 2020


Elizabeth and Justin said “I do” at their Rolling Rails Lodge Wedding this passed September! They didn’t let COVID-19 stop them from celebrating with their closest family and friends!

One of the reasons I love this venue is because it was built with love. Since we are in unprecedented times, it almost seemed to me like weddings were going to be a distant memory. I went from shooting 30 weddings in 2019 to 5 in 2020. So, when I say I am grateful for my clients, YOU HAVE NO IDEA! These two treated us like their family.

These two were an absolute dream come true couple to work with. I will never forget the day that Liz called me on the phone to inquire about photography. We had an awesome connection, and I was brutally honest with her about certain things she was asking about. I think that is what I loved most, the fact that I was able to be 100% myself with her, and she loved me anyway! Not very often can you be 100% apologetically yourself with a client, so THANK YOU LIZ, I am truly grateful for you!

It is no secret, I wear my heart on my sleeve. Not every wedding makes me bawl, but there are some moments that will always stand out to me. That being said, this wedding takes the cake for many reasons, first and foremost, I made a new amazing friend. I am grateful for you Liz! I made friends with an incredibly sweet videographer, Stephanie. We got to watch Aary roll down the hill a few times helping with my insanity lol! The mother/son dance had both my daughter and I bawling. Now, for you to hear I am crying, is no surprise…but when Aary cries. It is legit!

I decided to feature this wedding as an example of PERFECT planning! Liz and Justin planned their entire day with me, and they trusted me to do so. It is critical for me to blow my clients away. I can’t do that unless they trust me, 1000% Elizabeth and Justin have photos in EVERY TYPE OF LIGHT. Thank you! This is what it looks like when I am given control over your timeline. There is no rush, there are only perfect moments.

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Photography | Kimberly Wright Photography

Ceremony + Reception| Rolling Rails Lodge

Dress Store | White Lace Bridal

Dress Designer | Stella York

Florist |Bride’s Mother

Hair & Make Up | Glow Salon

Bartending | Drinks by Design

DJ | Bill Wiser

Videographer | Stephanie Schmidt

Cake | Sarah’s Sweets

Catering | Rustic Catering


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